OH Events.....
Hi Everyone. After looking at the OH Events for 2008.... Florida is NOT on the list.
So be it.
However, how many of you think we could meet informally somewhere in the Central part of the state? That way it's not too far for all of us, except the Panhandle. I am thinking sometime in the fall, after the summer tourist season, but before the snowbirds arrive. Mid to late October is what I had in mind.
Think about it.
We DON'T need to do anything fancy... just a simple meet, greet, lunch or dinner and leave the rest of the time to break into small groups for shopping, touristy stuff or whatever folks want to do.
We'd better watch out because if Atlanta keeps growing so fast, Georgia will probably try to move there southern border even further south. So Jacksonville could indeed be in Georgia. HA!
In case you don't know what I'm talking about. It seems there was a survey error back in the 1800s that placed the northern border of Georgia about 1 mile too far south. Now that there is a water shortage in the state, the state legislators are trying to get the boarder moved 1 mile north because then the Tennessee River would be within Georgia’s boundary.